Monday, June 25, 2012

Getting Started

I hope that everyone is having a great start to summer! Now it's time to get things started. In the next two weeks, you should make a plan to watch the movie The Kite Runner. Currently, it's on the Netflix Instant Queue, which means that if you have a Netflix account, you can view it online. I would also suggest checking the public library. Invite your friends over for some popcorn and make it a social event! Secondly, you also should be trying to acquire a copy of the book A Thousand Splendid Suns. We will start reading Part 1 of the book on July 9th. Enjoy the sunshine! Happy viewing (of the movie)!


  1. I read the Kite Runner last year, but I hadn't even watch the movie. I did try to watch the first 15 minute of it once and that was enough for me. Don't get me wrong, I adore the book and I'd recommend anybody to read it. It's just I'm the kind of person who prefer reading scary/disturbing story instead of watching it. Some of my friends thought the movie was horrific and the content of the movie is just disturbing. Well, that made me feel better. Not! Some of these days, I will have to work up the courage to watch it. Also, I wouldn't recommend those who have weak stomachs to have popcorn during the movie, get a box of tissue instead :).

  2. i have watched the movie "kite runner" recently, and in my opinion i think the movie has a good plot that keeps me thinking of what's about to happen next and it was very intriguing.I'm so glad that I watched it, because it turns out that the movie wasn't so bad after all and i actually liked it. Now, I'm starting to read the book and im up to chapter three so far aha. i hope everyone are enjoying their summer !

    By: Vincent Gunawan
